06 studenoga 2005

Upute za putnike - avionski prijevoz

Pogledajte upute za prevoz lijekova u avionskom prijevozu na put u sjedinjene države - što vas sve očekuje...
Ukoliko se radi o kontroliranim supstancama, primjenjuju se dodatni propisi.


  • All medications in any form or type (for instance, pills, injectables, or homeopathic) and associated supplies (syringes, Sharps disposal container, pre-loaded syringes, jet injectors, pens, infusers, etc.) are allowed through the security checkpoint once they have been screened. Atropens, an auto-injection system that can help treat many emergency conditions (low heart rate, breathing problems, and excess saliva related to insecticide, nerve gas or mushroom poisoning) are also allowed.
  • Medications should be labeled so they are identifiable.
  • Medications in daily dosage containers are allowed through the checkpoint once they been screened.
  • Medication and related supplies are normally x-rayed. However, as a customer service, TSA now allows you the option of requesting a visual inspection of your medication and associated supplies.
    • You must request a visual inspection before the screening process begins; otherwise you medications and supplies will undergo x-ray inspection.
    • If you would like to take advantage of this option, please have you medication and associated supplies separated from your other property in a separate pouch/bag when you approach the screener at the walk-through metal detector.
    • Request the visual inspection and hand your medication pouch/bag to the screener.
    • In order to prevent contamination or damage to medication and associated supplies and/or fragile medical materials, you will be asked at the security checkpoint to display, handle, and repack your own medication and associated supplies during the visual inspection process. Any medication and/or associated supplies that cannot be cleared visually must be submitted for x-ray screening. If you refuse, you will not be permitted to carry your medications and related supplies into the sterile area.
Ostale mjere na aerodromu:

Za vašu osobnu zaštitu

Nemojte zaključati prtljagu koja je već prošla provjeru (Možda će je sigurnosno osoblje morati provjeriti još jednom za vašu sigurnost).

Ako sa sobom nosite kompjuter, izvadite ga iz torbe kako se približavate mjestima za sigurnosnu kontrolu uoči leta.

Nemojte umotati darove. Možda će morati biti otvoreni za inspekciju.

Pakirajte se promišljeno. Stavite svaki film za foto-aparat ili kameru u ručnu prtljagu. Stavite vaše osobne stvari u prozirnu plastičnu vrećicu tako da ih osoba koja ih pregledava može vidjeti, a da ih ne dodiruje.

Izbjegavajte metalne predmete u vašoj odjeći kako ne bi izazvali aktiviranje alarma na kontrolnim točkama.

Dođite u zračnu luku dovoljno rano prije leta. Provjerite pojedinosti s vašim avioprijevoznikom.

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